What can I give?

Sometimes when we feel like we have more month than money or we desperately need another 10 hours added to our day to accomplish our ever growing to do list, the thought of giving anything to anyone; whether it be giving of our time or our money feels like a completely unrealistic expectation.

We’ve all seen the commercials that feature the starving children in third world countries, and, especially during the holidays, there are no shortage of volunteer opportunities or opportunities to give financial contributions to many different charitable organizations. Sometimes we are moved and we give and sometimes we get busy or finances are tight and we think, “I’ll donate/volunteer next time.”

I’ve had periods in my life where I lived very comfortably and money was not a big concern for me and I have also had periods in my life where I did not know how I was going to feed my boys their next meal because money was in such scarce supply. What I can tell you is that regardless of the circumstance I was living in, I have always given and it has blessed me greatly.

In the times where money was extremely tight, I volunteered and offered my time because that is what I had to give at that time. I trusted God during the times in my life when I was really struggling financially and he always provided everything I needed, but do you know how he did it? He did it through people who gave generously to me, often times having no idea I had a serious need. I remember one time specifically when I had just started attending a woman’s bible study at my church. As I was leaving, a lady I didn’t know stopped me and gave me a slip of paper and said she felt God telling her to give it to me. When I got home, I pulled it out of my purse and it was a check for $50.00! She had NO IDEA that just that night I was going through the pantry realizing there was no food left for the next day. I had let the boys eat the last of the cereal in the pantry for dinner telling them it would be fun to have “breakfast for dinner” because that was all I had left to feed them.

Giving to others is such a wonderful thing to do. Of course it positively impacts the person we are giving to, but it also has several benefits we reap as well. When we give to others, we feel the joy of improving the quality of someone else’s situation. It helps us put our own problems in perspective. Sometimes taking the focus off of our problems is exactly what we need to be able to see solutions more clearly. We develop grateful hearts when we give to others. When we give out of our abundance, it gives us the opportunity to appreciate our blessings.  People who are givers typically are happier people who are healthier and more energetic. People who have giving hearts inspire those around them to experience the joy of giving with them.

When you are busy and if money is in short supply, this may feel like such a stretch; but I want to challenge you. Do it anyway. Giving comes easier for some than others, I know. Think and pray about what you have to “give away” to bless someone else. Even if it’s nothing more than a bright smile, compliment and a positive attitude to the gas station clerk after you have worked a long day and you are dog tired; you are making a effort to provide that clerk with a positive transaction during their day.

Be Extraordinary:

What can I “give away” to benefit someone else? What are some ways I can give to others even when my budget is tight or I’m tired or busy?





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One thought on “What can I give?

  1. I love that your story is not just about giving, but also allowing others to give to you. If we do not allow others to give, insisting we must give but never recieve, than we are judging those who recieve. We also deny the wouldbe giver the blessing inherent in giving. To give and to recieve are both blessings.

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