The Courage to Change

The word change evokes different emotions in different people. Some people embrace change. They love it and embrace many changes in their lives as new adventures. Other people find change very difficult. They may avoid change at all costs until it becomes absolutely necessary because they find the unknown path that change brings so uncomfortable.

Which type of person are you? I am the latter. There are many times in my life when I avoided changes I needed to make, because even though I was unhappy with my circumstances, there was comfort in knowing what to expect. Sometimes even small changes can affect us in major ways either positively or negatively. I used to live about 35 minutes away from the school my boys attended. If we changed our morning routine at all and happened to get on the road even 5 minutes later than were supposed to leave, our 35 minute commute would turn into 50 minutes. By making the change to always aim to leave at least 10 minutes earlier than we had to, we avoided the traffic that would delay our arrival to school even more.

I changed my morning routine to allow me time to eat a hearty breakfast before leaving for work even though this sometimes means waking up between 4-4:30am but this results in me having increased energy and a satisfied, full feeling that allows me to power through my busy mornings without feeling hungry.

There are times when we realize we need or want to change character or physical traits about ourselves. Maybe we want to change the fact that we are always running late or perhaps we want to lose weight or get healthier. My whole reason for starting my blog was because I wanted to develop a more positive overall outlook on my life and this  helped me to change my perspective.

Job changes, long term marital decisions, changes involving our children or loved ones we may be caring for are major changes that require more thought and possibly wise counsel. These are often situations where change can be extremely difficult to make. Sometimes there are situations that require immediate change to protect our physical safety and our emotional and mental well being.

Never try to implement major changes in your life when you are overly emotional, upset or angry as these decisions are ones you may regret later. I didn’t always do this, but I try to think and pray about the changes I feel I need to make so I can make changes in my life that are right for me. I desire to make positive changes that reflect sound reasoning and a clear thought process.

I do know that having the discipline to make a positive change and stick with it can be challenging. It takes courage, especially when not everyone in your life may agree with changes you want to make. It’s important to surround yourself with a network of wise and caring people who know you well and have your best interests at heart. Their support and advice will be invaluable to you.

“Change happens when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change.”

-Tony Robbins


Be Extraordinary: 

Is there something in your life you want or need to change? Have the courage to start making the changes you want to make TODAY! Tell a close friend so they can help motivate you and keep you accountable as you make the effort to start changing.

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