Finding joy at work…

I really LOVE my work! Now notice that I didn’t say my job, because I do my work for more than just a paycheck. I feel my work is my God given mission and calling and I feel so blessed that I am able to get paid to do what I feel God has called me to do. I love that I get to inspire, motivate and educate people I work with. Both my clients and my staff. I love that my clients and staff educate, motivate and inspire me too! They may not realize it, but they do.

Today at work, I got to have a very applicable teaching moment with a newer employee. To share my knowledge with someone who is eager to learn is exciting. To see his confidence grow as he learns new things and accomplishes things at work feels so gratifying.

I was validated today by a member of our Corporate team during a conference call. This solidified my confidence in the work I’m doing. The other managers I work with have multiple jobs and I know they work very long hours, but they ALWAYS have a great attitude at work. I can ask them to do anything and feel confident it will get done. When I need help, they always step up to assist me with whatever I need. I trust them. I rely on them. They push and motivate me to be a better manager.

The other personal trainers who train alongside me work long hours and have busy personal lives, yet they are professional, cheerful, positive and ready to work hard when they come to work. Seeing the relationships they have built with their clients is heartwarming. We talk shop and encourage each other when we see each other. They are also more than willing to help me if I need anything. I appreciate them and learn from them.

There is a staff member we hired who works at one of the clubs I manage that is about 45 minutes away from the other 2 clubs I manage. Because of the distance, I don’t get to visit that club as often as the other 2 clubs I manage but I never have to worry about that club. Every time I go there, it is very clean and organized. She has built a wonderful rapport with all of our members there. She is smart, reliable and dependable and I always know she will do a great job when she is working. I have a lot of respect for her because she is in high school but she is so mature and responsible it amazes me.

The owners of these clubs are kind, generous and encouraging. They are excited about their businesses and truly care about all of our members and staff. They inspire us all to work hard because they believe in us and trust us. No matter how busy they are or whatever they have going on in their personal lives, they are never too busy to encourage a member or help one of their employees. Knowing that they have entrusted me to manage their clubs inspires me to work hard to do everything I can to help them achieve success.

And my clients…they are what adds vibrant color to my days. They make me smile. We laugh together, we have serious discussions, we’ve cried together. Even when I’m tired at work I smile because working with them makes me so happy. As I trained my last client tonight, I realized what a blessing he has been to me in the year and a half I have trained him. He is a young, single guy who is not married and doesn’t have kids, but he has always respected my schedule and the time I want to have with my boys. He is always willing to accommodate my scheduling needs. He is never late and has late cancelled on me I think only once in a year and a half due to a family emergency.(Which is unbelievable!) He is consistent with his workouts. When we train, he always does whatever I ask of him without complaint. I am so proud of him and he inspires me. I really do feel blessed to call many of my clients my friends.

I realize not everyone has this situation at work and I didn’t always either. Many times, I felt overworked, overtired and underappreciated. There were aspects of jobs I’ve had that felt menial and thankless. I’ve had employers who demeaned me and made me feel like I had no value. I know this is very difficult. It was during these times that I focused on being thankful that I had a job and could provide for my family. I was grateful that I wasn’t out of work and had a warm house to go home to. I would ask God to help me have a grateful heart and do my job to the best of my ability. I would pray that God would give me the strength to continue on in the work I was doing until I was presented with a different opportunity. I can tell you that even if you don’t believe in God you should try thinking this way if you have a difficult work situation because it really does help! The other thing that helps is to pursue your passions even if you don’t get paid for doing them because having something to look forward to after work makes the day pass quicker. Learn a skill, take up a new hobby, exercise more😜(I had to say that… LOL!)

Be Extraordinary…

What aspect(s) of my job(s) can I be grateful for today? How can I encourage and support my coworkers? What can I do to go the extra mile for my boss this week?



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One thought on “Finding joy at work…

  1. i cant wait to see more you are an awesome blog writer and an amazng person

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