After a drought…

I felt so compelled to write so I started my blog with excitement and intention…I wrote one post and then…nerves kicked in and life got in the way. My ever changing life was busy and it was far from perfect so I started to doubt my God given calling, my destiny and my blog sat unwritten and un-promoted for over a year.

Well, I’m back and ready to give it another try. If there is anything I want to convey to you, my special reader, it’s that I’m no different from you. I share many of the same struggles, insecurities and doubts that you have. If there is one thing I can promise you, it’s that when you take the time to read my blog, you’ll get a glimpse of my authentic self-warts and all. I can’t wait to laugh with you, cry with you and celebrate life’s joys with you. I am so thrilled to be able to encourage you and lift you up.

I sincerely thank you for taking a moment out of your busy day to spend it with me.

Do you have a passion or calling on your life that you’ve been putting off? Each time it comes to mind, do you think of excuses or reasons why you aren’t pursuing it?

Be extraordinary: 

Try praying over your passions and goals. If they are to be fulfilled and pursued, God will make a way for you to accomplish them.

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One thought on “After a drought…

  1. I will totally attempt this i cant promise anything but i will definetly try

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