HAPPY LABOR DAY! Many Americans today will be grilling out, going to ball games, traveling, enjoying the many shopping discounts that can be had today or, like my family, spending a quiet day relaxing at home.
I tend to work many hours and, as my trademark has become to all my clients… every holiday I tell them…”I work all Holidays (including Thanksgiving) except for Christmas morning so when can we train?” This is because I know many of my clients have major holidays off and it’s easy and convenient for them to train when they have off work. When I decided to take today off last week, I had no idea I would be blogging about the history and spirit of Labor Day today.
The journalistic website, The conversation.com writes about the Labor Day holiday:
“Today Labor Day is no longer about trade unionists marching down the street with banners and their tools of trade. Instead, it is a confused holiday with no associated rituals.
The original holiday was meant to handle a problem of long working hours and no time off. Although the battle over these issues would seem to have been won long ago, this issue is starting to come back with a vengeance, not for manufacturing workers but for highly skilled white-collar workers, many of whom are constantly connected to work.
If you work all the time and never really take a vacation, start a new ritual that honors the original spirit of Labor Day. Give yourself the day off. Don’t go in to work. Shut off your phone, computer and other electronic devices connecting you to your daily grind. Then go to a barbecue, like the original participants did over a century ago, and celebrate having at least one day off from work during the year!” (http://theconversation.com/have-we-forgotten-the-true-meaning-of-labor-day)
I am so thankful to have a job I love. However, today, the meaning of this holiday reminds me to celebrate the spirit of this holiday. My boys asked me as they were folding and putting away laundry this morning, “Mom, why are we doing this today? Don’t we get a break from labor today?” It made me laugh and realize that they were right. No chores today! I have some happy boys right now…lol!
Be Extraordinary:
Take some time to relax and rejuvenate today and celebrate Labor day with family or friends. Do you know someone who works a lot and needs help to unwind or relax? Find a way to connect with them today to encourage them to take a break.